DIY Super Bowl Treats

For the Super Bowl, my family is hosting a party, so we decided to DIY some great treats that are sure to impress your guests! 

  1. Field Goal Brownies

I took a Brownie mix from Target and followed the instructions on the box. I took a cream cheese frosting and dipped some green food coloring to look like grass. I then made a field goal post out of paper and screwed it into the brownie using a scewer, and that’s it!!  

   (And I know the icing on the picture looks teal, but it’s green, I promise) 

  1. Football Brownies

I took the same brownies and took some cream cheese frosting and put it into a ziplock baggy, and I cut the tip. I piped the laces and that’s  pretty much it!!  


  1. Broncos Cupcakes

I was going for the Broncos so I had to pick the legendary orange and blue colors! I took Yellow Cupcake Mix and followed the directions on the box to start the dessert. I took the same cream cheese frosting and took orange and blue food coloring to mix it into the frosting. I got a pack of fancy tips and piping bags to pipe the frosting on the cupcakes!  

 All of these ingredients were from Target, but can be found at any grocery store. 

These yummy treats are sure to keep your guests wanting more!! 

Have a great day cheering on your team!! 
